June 26, 2010

Old Digger


Yesterday, I re-found one forgotten cardboard, hidden under bags, papers, and table in my bedroom:

And pulling out everything in it, I found out how maniac I am:

I didn't even understand how to read when I got those books.
Oh, and this:

Cute. I got them when I was 10.

Really. I'm serious.

Then, I climbed the attic and met the superbly dirty and old cupboard:

Sometimes it has a horror feel. Within the old lesson books and a twilight of dust, I found another piece of memory:

I read it when I was little.


And I collect books, even since the times I can't read.

I'm serious. I swear.

Oh, and I met one odd view in my neighborhood:

I've never known that my neighbor has been that far. Cactussy.

Phew. These dust make me cough.
Well, that were just the little pieces. You haven't seen more.. And more. And MORE.

Now I'm going to read my Teletubbies again.

June 19, 2010

A Glass of Twilight

Um, Hi.

Yesterday, I got another hang out-day.
And this time, we went to (Drumroll, please)......

Starbucks Coffee.

Because of my lack of resource or what, I've never tasted even a single cup of Starbucks' coffee.
Then yesterday, under the codename 'Birthday Treat', my friend treated me.. One.. Glass.. of.. Vanilla Frappucino.

No Twilight here.

And yeah, it tastes like.. Milkshake. Exactly like a Vanilla Milkshake. With Whip Cream on the top.
But I quickly made friend with the Frap. With some giant-radius cookies, the Frap will make a perfect match. Me likey.
At least I've ever felt the green straw in the glass and with some drinks flowing in it.

Now, how was the Hoo-li-gans?

And.. What? Frap is not coffee? Oh, well.

June 17, 2010

Let It Snow


Uniquely, I've never used this proper word for greeting.

My day was opened by this super-icy cold morning. And stupidly, I took a bath. I was about to freeze into an ice cube.
Just if I have a heater, or a water-heater or what for my bathroom.
Seriously, such coldness is suitable for winter. Just if, once snow can fall upon this super hot country for the whole of my life. I will clearly feel blessed.

By the way, yesterday mum made a cake. She ruled. The cake was waaaaaayyyyy too delicious. And buttery. Me likey.

Sadly, it's not 'much' anymore.

Oh, and she bought a big cup of Cheese Cream.. Secretly.

No wonder, my last breakfast felt like cheese over it. And I can secretly dip with it.. Haha.
And even a dog felt cold.

See? They need a blanket.

Phew. Oh, and Switz WON OVER SPAIN yesterday! Just if I'm in a real bet, I will be the next Ritchie Rich.

Never underestimate a chocolate-producing country!

June 16, 2010

Wet Gravel Bricks


Good rainy-morning.

Know what? I love rainy mornings. It feels cold, that you don't need to turn your broken fan on. Then everything's just like covered by icy layers, makes standing on the floor or sleeping on the bed like heaven. And the smell of rain, the cold wind.. Ah, never get better.

But the streets are full of puddles.

Yesterday, I worked, or by other word, hanged out at the nearby CafĂ© (Wow!) in a Sport Club, in the midst of super-raging rain. And in every meeting, stupidity happens. Stupidity? Yes, stupid things.

And I managed to get some snap shots. Ever wonder what does a watermelon do on the top of a swimming pool roof?

Yes, that is true. And while we were hanging out, one poor chair was sacrificed to be a wasteland.

I pity that chair.

But rain and cold morning is not enough. I need snow.. And Switzerland.

June 14, 2010

Beware My Lens


Cette fĂȘte devient de plus ennuyeux pour moi.

Just if I can get my Senior High School first day earlier (Oddly enough, I miss the evil-being called 'school' for now). But I said the first day. So, well. First day of new grade at school is great, I know that.

By the way, I did not watch the matches closely this morning. How's the pretzels?

Ah, and I have acquired a stomachache recently. I think I was poisoned by one or two stale food. Or I ate too much.

And I'm thinking of starting a new career. Being a detective, or a real-life Superhero. Which one do you think will be better and has a brighter future?

Jeez. And check these pictures. I'm pretty sure there's a big mistake in this rug.

I mean, not putting Star Wars in this rug-of-famous-movies is a BIG mistake!

June 13, 2010

Ginger Fingers

Uh. Hi.

I woke up at 9, and it doesn't feel really good.
So, this early morning, midnight, or whatever you like it to be called, I stayed to watch the match of England versus their Uncle Sam counterpart. The seaweeds, Root Beer, and potato chips kept me awake.
Sadly, the Hooligans must be sad.
For short, they end up draw. The players got the hit, but the goalkeeper lost the grip.. Literally. 1 tie.
And so, me and bro slept with a bit disappointment. Well, high hopes of the Hooligans.
And.. Here I am, awake at 9. Aww.

Wanna hear some more news?
South Korea beat Greece. That proves that Gingers are very real, but gods are myth.
I didn't watch Argentina closely even for the score.

Oh, and while I was in a department store, I found this stuff, that maybe can only be found long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away now. Well, it's something back around when I was a 5th Grader.

Yeah, Attack Sled Batman. Impressive.
And I always find some fun in Toys Store.

Fallen Jedis were here..

Now you see, what the kids prefer. Got what I mean?

And this one, uh.. Got the purpose of that Super-Dump lever? I turned it round and round, but there was nothing but cracking sound.

Little kids are unpredictable.

Now, who wants more Root Beer?